A downloadable game for Windows

Map Maker's Guide to Hawai'i

Second of Three Game Studio 1 Projects

This is a game designed as a supplement to a 3rd grade lesson on Hawai'i and its culture, made to make learning more free, fun, and hands-on.

Build a map of Hawai'i, and learn about the indigenous people along the way! In Map Maker's Guide, play as an ambitious cartographer who set out to make a map of Hawai'i that's not defined by modern perception of the islands, but instead inspired by the people who lived there before American colonization. They'll recount their travels around the islands through mapping out each region and the challenges faced by the people living within, and learn about the groups along the way. The timeline for this game was 4 weeks.

Programmer: Me (Joey Clemente)

Artist: Gabe Derksen

Designers: Milo Duclayan, Tucker Pauli, Lyden Lapansee, Will Rutherford


MapMakersFinalBuild.zip 46 MB